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RE: dynamos & charging - the final chapter (chapter 11?)

Subject: RE: dynamos & charging - the final chapter (chapter 11?)
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 15:06:44 -0700 (MST)
> I intend to get an exchange dynamo, & build up one decent one from the
> carcasses. Anyone want old dynamo bits ....

Don't forget to polarize it before you try to use it.  I spent
many frustrating hours with a meter trying to figure out why my
brand-new dynamo and brand-new control box still couldn't make
that warning light go out.   I woke up one Sunday morning with
the thought "why did my voltmeter reading have a minus sign in
front of it when I tested the dynamo output? ...Polarity,
dammit!"  Went out in my pajamas and polarized the puppy before
breakfast and everything worked fine after that.   An analog
(moving-coil) meter would have made it obvious from the
beginning.  Another argument for low-tech! 

- djp

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