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Re: 6 Cylinder Survey

Subject: Re: 6 Cylinder Survey
From: (J. Stovall)
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 04:34:35 -0800 (PST)
>Fellow Inline Sixers...
>In my continuing effort to get a motor into my GT6 project (I think I finally
>have a winner-only took 20 tons-o-pressure to remove the pistons, but the
>block looks okay-thanks Mark), I have found lots of different combos of
>head/block relationships. It seems that many of these pairings never left the
>factory that way, so I started wondering exactly which head/block combos are
>"right". So...what I ask of all you is to trot on out to the shrine, I mean,
>garage, wipe the accumulated crud off the numbers and send them to me. Please
>The engine number is at the head/block interface on the left side of the
>motor, between the distributor and the back of the engine, and the head
>number is on the right side between the first and second head stud at the
>front of the motor, right on top between the nuts.
>If anyone has an interest in the results, I'd be glad to post the summary.
>The Car Curmudgeon
>     Nick in Nor Cal

        I was able to come up with the engine and comission #s, but, it was
dark, and I couldn't find the head #. I'll look for that today, when
there's some light. Any ideas on these #s?


Hope it helps!

Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1<-----<-------<-------<-------<------<--------

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