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What oh what is an LBC

Subject: What oh what is an LBC
From: john gillis <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:56:36 GMT
I have been on this list for over a year now and I just cannot take any more.I
understand 98% of you out there  are from the good old U.S of A and as such
can easily make sense of the vast range of cute little short cuts round the 
English language. But have a heart, I'm just a simple Irish man trying hard to
make sense of aal of this in an attempt to pick up some useful advice (which I
have) I am beginning to find my way round some of these strange uses of the
Queen's English, but what oh what is an LBC, please tell me before my already
fertile imagination runs away with me e.g Long Black Car
John Gillis. 1954 TR2 undergoing the works
Trinity College

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