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RE: Wheel info. for TR3

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Wheel info. for TR3
From: <> (Editorial Assistant)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 97 17:22:00 MST
Cc: <> (Editorial Assistant)
I too had a similar problem with the wheels for my TR-3.  When the tire shop 
tried to balance them they said that they were way out of round.  We put the 
least worst ones on the front, the worst in for the spare and the others on 
the rear.  I went to a british car part yard we used to have in Denver (called 
 "Scotland Yard") and spin tested all of the TR-3 wheels they had and all of 
them were out of round.  I've been told that for the most part they're all 
like that.  I have since been looking for a "new" set of steel wheels myself.  
Sorry I don't have any good news for you, but if you find an extra set of good 
steel wheels please let me know.

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