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Re: TR6 Convertible top & Hard top at same time?

Subject: Re: TR6 Convertible top & Hard top at same time?
From: (James H. Davis, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 23:23:28 EST
References: <>
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997 19:49:34 -0500 Mike Brinker <>
>Hello Triumph lovers,
>I need  your help!  I thought I have seen a folded (top down) TR6 with 
>special boot cover and the hard top mounted on the car.  Thats right, 
>have heard it is possible, and that there is special hardware 
>to acheive this feat.....
>Is this true?  If so, where is the documentation that will show me how
>to set it up.  Also, I have looked for the hardware in catalogs but 
>had no luck.  Am I going nuts or what.
>Waiting for your help......
>Mike Brinker
>74 TR6 that is a blast to drive!
CF38690UO is in the very state you mention, sitting in my garage as I
type, so if you're going nuts, it's not the hard top-soft top thing. 
Just remove the 5 bolts fixing the rear stiffener angle and carefully
tuck it among the folded top, remove the front bolt from the "B" post
soft top frame attachment, install the hardtop and replace the bolt you
removed from the "B" post attachment with a slightly longer one (because
the tie bar for the hard top is too thick for the soft top bolt). I got
the bolts from TRF (#ZKC36). You also need a stowage cover for this
purpose, also available from TRF (#824851 (black))
There is no benefit from doing this other than it looks cool and you
don't have to find a place to store your soft top.
Hope this helps,

Jim Davis

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