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Re[2]: Camber Comphensator? for Mk2 spit

Subject: Re[2]: Camber Comphensator? for Mk2 spit
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 97 22:27:39 PST
     Amazing!  Barry, how do you know this.  Did you make this up or is it 
     written down somewhere.  Was your seventh grade geometry teacher Colin 
     Chapman and instead of the Pythagorean ....
     Seriously, though, do you or anyone out anyone else out there in 
     cyberland know of a good analytical reference for chassis and 
     suspension technology?  
     By the way, I was at NCE the other day and looked into your parking 
     lot to see if I could see your car. No sign off it.  What are you 
     driving to work these days.

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Subject: Re:  Camber Comphensator? for Mk2 spit
Author: (Barry Schwartz) at unixlink
Date:    1/14/97 5:05 PM

     * Let's kinda set the record straight.  The problem is not roll 
     stiffness in the rear on early Spitfires, 

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