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RE: SCCA Runoffs(tm)

To: Jim Hill <>
Subject: RE: SCCA Runoffs(tm)
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 10:17:17 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Jim Hill wrote:

> Hi Bob -

Hi Jim...

I took the liberty to cc the triumphs list on the topic. Afterall, it is 
apropos to Triumphs afficianados.

> It's my understanding that SpeedVision is broadcasting the runoffs. 

That is correct. Three days (Fri., Sat., Sun.) from 1:30 PM till about 
6:00 PM.

> Do you
> have any idea what times the TR6's race? 

Why yes I do! According to the schedule, the E Prod race is at 4:10 PM 
today, Friday, 6-Oct-2000. There are three TR6's in the field, Sam 
Halkias, Dave Wingett and Mark Gerdes. Gerdes posted no times, so it's 
safe to assume that he's not qualified for the event. Don't take that 
wrong way. ;-) 

> Not being up to date on SCCA
> matters, I'm not even sure what class[es] involve TR's of any kind.

All the "big TR's" as well as GT6 would be in EP. All the "little" TR's 
would be in FP (1500's with single 1.5" carb) or GP (1296's and 1047's).

There is, of course, the off chance that a TR6 could show up in GT3 but 
other than that most of your national level SCCA presence for Triumphs is 
in the "Production" classes.

As luck would have it, the G Prod race is Sunday at 3:20 PM. I hope the 
weather forcast is wrong, because there's actually a chance that snow 
will fly in Mansfield, OH on Sunday (as well as other parts of the 
Northeast). This will slow the field down some, but I'd love to see a 
clear day for this race, because Steve Sargis has a "wicked fast" 
Spitfire (and sits on the pole position) and Kevin Allen who is no 
slouch. Should be a good race this year, and past years' races have been 
exciting from the green flag to the checkered flag.

> Thanks,
> Jim Hill


Bob Lang                Room N42-140Q          | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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