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RE: Vic Brit OD Transmission

Subject: RE: Vic Brit OD Transmission
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 18:15:39 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
Some kind person recently posted a link to Overdrive Repair Services in the UK.
According to the info ORS just sent me, they can convert your non-OD mainshaft 
to an OD mainshaft for 65 UKP.  The adapter plate is 35 UKP outright.  (You'll 
still need the electrical components like isolator switches, relay, operating 
switch, etc., which they also sell)

They also sell the entire A-type setup _including_ the mainshaft, and adapter 
plate (not sure about the solenoid and other electrical components) for 500 UKP 
outright.  Even with shipping, that may turn out to be cheaper than the VB 
deal.  (J-type is 450 UKP)

Note that the mainshaft changed along with the internal gear set at TR6 tranny 
CD20282.  You'll want to be sure which one you need before ordering.  I'm told 
the later gearsets will fit the early boxes (and maybe vice versa), so the box 
number may not reflect what's inside.


On Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:13 PM, Chad & Ariane Jester 
[] wrote:
> Phil,
> Read the Vicky Brit catalog carefully.  That is the price for the OD unit
> You will still need a main shaft, and a hard to find adapter piece. = Big
> $$$$$

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