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RE: Apparently I'm a "freak"

Subject: RE: Apparently I'm a "freak"
From: "Michael Gajic" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:36:44 +1100 FILETIME=[9A8E5840:01C182C6]
R. Ashford Little II wrote:

>I live in Atlanta and I've just got to say the owners of the late model
>Z3's, SLK's, and other high dollar cars in addition to the myriad of
>Miata's are a bunch of wimps.  Everyone knows it doesn't get that cold
>down here, but I almost want to scream at people when it's 70 degrees
>and they drive by with the top up or even worse with the hard top on.
>Personally, I think it ought to be a law that if on a pretty day you
>don't have the top down then you lose the pink slip.

I drove my TR4 throughout winter with the top down and I have no heater. It 
was quite pleasant, but then again it doesn't snow in Sydney.

Now it is summer and the weather is glorious (mostly). However, my new 
soft-top needs stretching so I have had the top on for a month now in the 
heat so that it can stretch. I look at owners of other convertibles with 
their tops down jealously :(

So do I get to keep my pink slip? ;-)

63' TR4

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