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RE: TR3 Clutch Problem

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Clutch Problem
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:52:25 -0800
Alan, if the slave needed rebuilt, it would be obvious from the fluid
dripping from it.  The most likely explanation for your problem is a broken
taper pin. However since it's a bear to change (have to remove the
transmission, which means taking the trans tunnel out ...), best to exhaust
all other possibilities first.

Check that the spring on the slave is present, and is returning the slave
piston all the way home.  Then check the free play in the push rod, it
should only be something like 1/32" (but there does have to be some).  A
broken taper pin will frequently show up as a huge amount of free play, like

Check that the clutch pedal is returning to the top on it's own, that there
is some free play in the pushrod to the MC without having to pull the pedal

As a last ditch before pulling the tranny, you can try rebuilding the MC.
The internal spring sometimes breaks (mine was in 4 pieces !) which also
causes lack of travel problems.

No one seems to list that spring for the TR3A (it's not part of the repair
kit), but the one from a TR4 will work just fine.  Moss P/N 582-065.

If you do have a broken taper pin, I suggest installing a new pin, then
cross-drilling through the fork and shaft for a 1/4" grade 8 bolt and Nylock
nut.  I forget the bolt length offhand, but it's best to choose one that's a
little long, so the shank enters the fork on the side opposite the head, and
then cut the threads off flush with the nut.  Check carefully to be sure the
nut cannot foul on the bolt heads in the tranny face.


> Hi All
> The clutch in my 1960 TR3 has mostly gone away.  The
> top 2/3 of the pedal travel doesn't do anything.
> The fulid level was a little down, but not far.
> No I couldn't dettect any leaks.
> Jacked it up and had my kson push the pedal.  It looks
> to me like the master is working but that the travel
> of the slave is way to short.
> My guess is that I need to rebuild the slave.
> Does that make sense?
> Am I missing something?

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