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Re: You too?

To: Vintage Race <VINTAGE-RACE@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: You too?
From: (Patrick Young)
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 17:21:29 +0800
Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the risk of being struck down by the politically correct folk on this
list, and concerned at introducing foul language on this august forum, I now
see that Jeremy Braithwaite's recent posting on Scuderia Illa Gitima leaves
the way open for a harsh but evidently reasonable conclusion:

Somebody wrote some days back:
>>I'm on the British car list and Vintage Racing list, and I'm getting
>>more and more e-mail from Get-Rich-Quick sites, MLMers, porn sites,
>>E-mail list marketers, Etc.  

Despite the protestations of various folk in ignorance or otherwise, it
seems obvious to me that some ace spammer somewhere has cottoned on to the
fact that historic racing drivers are indeed all w***ers, hence their belief
in this excellent ruse for marketing their pornographic wares.

Oh, and all declaimations along the lines of "speak for yourself" will be
given the due contempt they deserve. ;-)



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