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re: Corner Workers

Subject: re: Corner Workers
From: Richard W Waite <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 09:56:27 -0500
Until recently the VSCCA was not particularly responsive at addressing
the whole issue of corner workers and their needs, wants, complaints etc.
That situation is changing. At the last VSCCA board meeting two of the
most senior flag folk were invited to attend. They  made a presentation
to the board and discussed what they felt are the most important issues.
Although I'm not on the board I did discuss things with both the
president of the VSCCA and the above mentioned  flag folk which may have
had some bearing on the meeting. Hopefully this sort of interaction will
continue. We need the flaggers a lot more than they need us!

On another front, I also spoke to the VSCCA's representative to the  ????
group (can't remember the name of the council all the historic racers
groups belong to). I brought up the issue of non-standard flags and their
interpretation. He told me that he would bring up the matter at the next
council meeting.  I have no way on knowing what will happen but at least
they should be aware of the problem.

Dick Waite

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