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RE: A couple of things...

To: Dwayne Cooper <dcooper@paciolan.com>
Subject: RE: A couple of things...
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 16:52:35 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Dwayne Cooper wrote:

> There's still one thing I'm trying to clear up about the various holes
> in my engine block.  Between my oil pressure switch and oil pressure
> relief valve is what appears to be an open "hole" in the engine block.
> It's about the same size as the oil pressure switch/relief valve hole,
> but there's nothing in it.  Is this normal or should it be plugged?

There is a largish hole that should have a plug in it. I think the plug is
a 3/8 NPT plug. Did this engine get hot-tanked or otherwise massaged???

If it was hot tanked, you should make sure that _all_ the plugs have been
replaced properly. If you don't know how things "should be", I'd def. try
to find a local person to you and go over all the orifices to make sure
you have everything in place.
> Thanks,
> Dwayne

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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