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Re: Toyota conversion

To: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Toyota conversion
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 22:36:07 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Paula J. Graffam wrote:

> Listers,
> Could I get some feedback about the pros and cons on a conversion to
> replace my #$%^&* transmission on my 74-6?  Any advice will be welcomed,

Pros - modern tranny that is likely stronger than original.

Cons - WAAAAY too expensive.

Comments - this is like using a 50 pound sledge hammer to adjust your
spark plug gap. Sure, it'll work (maybe, in the case of the sledge
hammer), but the results?

The cost is $2k plus a tranny. If you're spending $2k to start with, you'd
exercising poor judgement to put in a junkyard tranny, so add another $500
or more to rebuild the donor tranny.

Rebuild your TR6 tranny - $650 with a guarantee. More $$$ if you have O/D,
but less than $2500.


To be honest, the TR6 tranny is pretty stout. If you've been having
problems with yours, maybe it wasn't built right. On the other hand, the
early TR6 trannies (through CF12500 or a bit higher) are equipped with
brass top-hat bushings which are less than fantastic. But if you can find
a working late-model tranny that doesn't sound like a blender when you
spin it, it'll last good and long.
> Al 

So, what sort of problem are you having with your tranny?

Good luck deciding!
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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