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Gauge Restoration

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Gauge Restoration
From: "Dwayne Cooper" <dc_bruin@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 16:48:05 -0700
While we're on the topic of gauges...

My car is a 74 and the bezels seem to have been black on the inside and 
chrome on the outside at one time but I'm not sure as they're currently 
pitted and cruddy.  The vicky brit catalog sells all-chrome bezels for the 
four small gauges which are listed as replacements for earlier model years.  
Is there any difference or would those also fit my gauges?  Is it possible 
or practical to have such small parts re-chromed?  What have others on the 
list done here?

Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions.

Dwayne Cooper

[This message delayed, as it needed manual intervention by the list
administrator.  Yet another person who has their mailer set to just
automatically include everything in the reply.  mjb.]

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