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Re: Clutch chatter...

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Clutch chatter...
From: "James_ TR6" <jattr6@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:07:06 +0000
Clutch chatter.
ahhh yes. i too have had (and occasionally still do) have the bad chatter in 
first and second.
what I was told (by folks at a British car repair shop)....
it is the pressure plate that is the culprit.
i was told that the plate was either not torqued down properly and 
over time has lossened a tiny tiny bit. In order to solve the problem, I 
to replace the entire clutch before a long new england road trip vacation. I 
not want any chatter or any problems.
when i installed the new plate, i torqued it correctly and evenly. (snug all 
bolts with the fingers, then go back and work in a star pattern to increase 
the torque to each bolt.)
This seemed to fix the problem. ... until many miles and years later (aka: 
it seems to be back slightly.
whether that was actually the real problem, i do not know for sure.

a pain to get in there to test the theory.

good luck, and post any other theories or solutions to this problem.
because mine might be wrong.


1976 tr6 MD

>Pat wrote:
>I just got back from a ABFM in Bellevue Washington (5 hour drive) and
>along the way developed a terrible "Clutch Chatter" when starting up in
>first gear and reverse. This did start happening when I went to an ABFM
>in Portland (Days drive) almost a year ago but has been okay when
>driving around town, perhaps it's just a "Long distance driving thing" ?
>Here are some facts to consider if you can help me please..
>I have a TVR 2500M rather than a TR6, but as it is a TR6 running gear I
>figure you guys are the best people to ask.. Hope you don't mind <G>
>-I used to have the chronic "TR6 Squealing Throw out bearing" with a new
>BnB clutch (2 TO bearings in 6 months). Fixed that by a GUNST bearing
>(fantastic bearing!) and installed an old Laycock pressure plate and
>disk about two years ago as I read that the Laycock was so much better
>than the BnB.
>-If I start up in second gear there is no problem at all, not "Chatter".
>Shifting all other gears up and down are fine.
>-Why is this happening? What is wrong?
>-Will the GUNST bearing work with the Borg n Beck clutch? If so, is this
>a good combination?
>-If a GUNST bearing is not compatible with a BnB clutch what is? What do
>you suggest?
>-I did an oil change just before I left and over filled it by about a
>litre I guess. is it possible some oil leaked out of the rear main seal
>to the pressure plate? (No drips when parked)
>Many thanks, Pat
>Victoria BC

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