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Re goofy canadian rules

Subject: Re goofy canadian rules
From: Gulliver <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 22:30:53 -0400 (EDT)
Ok eric canadian should be upper Case "Canadian"   :-)

Canada is split up into a number of Regions and Solo rules from one do not
apply elsewhere. We do not have a National rule book for Solo 1 or 2 CASC-OR
CACC) govern Ontario my Province the rules for solo can be found at  I think you have to download the word

The points system seems to work well due in part to the small number of cars
compared to US 50 or so at a Regional I believe only one person has been
accused of bending the rules in many years

Pete Gulliver
TLS # 96

Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 11:55:42 -0400
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Subject: goofy canadian rules

Howdy everybody!!!

Has anyone ever taken the time to compare the CACC (Canadian version of
SCCA) and the SCCA Solo rules?

The reason I ask is that last night someone posted some results from a
Canadian/American race and there was a link to the rules for their Stock and
Super Stock (Canadian version of SP) rules.

I kinda like their more real world realistic points system of allowed
modifications for the two "lower" classes.  Gee I wish I could remember that
URL right about now.

Any thoughts?  How did they come to have this variation of our rules?  Are
there any down sides to their points system?  And please don't give me that
same old tired argument of "it'll just make one more thing that newcomers
MUST buy to be competitive".  That dog just won't hunt.

Any thoughts?

See you on course.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69 DS  TLS #13

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