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Re: Driving and Dining in Topeka

Subject: Re: Driving and Dining in Topeka
From: Gary Spray <>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 20:34:01 -0500
At 07:28 PM 9/7/1999 EDT, wrote:
>Gary failed to mention one of the best eating places in Topeka! Willie C's. 
>just south of the expocentre in the old waterworks plant. When the KC bunch
>comes out to Topeka to run the local events thats the place we always hit 
>heading back. Its inexpensive and has some of the best "Tex-Mex" in the 
Damn, you are right! One of my favoritest eating places and I thought about
it as I drove home from work tonight but dodging the cones (traffic) on the
21st street construction simply blew it out of my consciousness. 

>If you enter on the lower level from the westside pay no attention to those 
>waste barrels just inside the door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think its a
>twisted joke.
>Imagine that coming from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The same goes for the BIG tank on the North side of the building labeled

BTW- There is also a new barbeque restaurant at 10th and Fairlawn but it
just opened and I haven't tried it yet.

Gary Spray
Topeka, Kansas

*I used to be normal...didn't like it.*

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