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RE: The List

To: "'Kelly, Katie'" <>,
Subject: RE: The List
From: "Hollis, Andy" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 17:51:17 -0500
Aw, geez, you want me to actually remember details from that far back???
Those cobwebs are awfully thick back there...

Let's see, something that came up in a conversation just the other day was
"accidental" bending of the rear axle housing to get the camber and toe-in
to match the desired limit of the spec in the service manual.  Not exactly a
"standard procedure"...These were the first guys (Madamba/Dodge) that I
recall ever doing that in Solo II stock.  I also remember them knowing
exactly what springs were optionally available with what models to get the
optimal ones.  Ahh,  the mind is fading on this one...

As for Livesey's car, I can't remember details at the moment, just the
continual back-and-forth between this camp and the John Ames camp as the two
pushed each other farther into the rulebook (and faster!)

And, of course, what would Dean Dodge's contributions have been without his
custom-valving of Koni shocks (for the uninitiated, Dean worked at Koni) for
soloists.  This was at a time when most autocrossers only rebuilt their
shocks when they blew out the seals.  All of the people that Dean worked
with got the benefit of that shock development.

Speaking of Dean and shocks brings to mind another candidate, Mark Chiles.
Remember Mark's article on his SE-R and also on Neons?  Things like
degassing shocks for lower ride height, loosening suspension bolts pushing
for camber and retightening, pouring through a pile of camber bolts to find
the smallest ones (with a micrometer), pouring over dealer parts manuals to
find superceded parts that were somehow better than the originals, etc.
Yep, Mark belows on The List, as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly, Katie []
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 5:20 PM
To: 'Hollis, Andy'; ''
Subject: RE: The List

Good call, Andy!

Could you expand on this a little bit further? What did they do exactly? 

Signed, your Host, and Bill Madamba fan, Katie Kelly

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hollis, Andy []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 1:45 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: The List
> "Legal rules stretchers"
> Dean Dodge, along with partners in crime Bill Madamba and Dan 
> Livezey.  The
> F-bodies these guys produced were incredibly well-engineered 
> and pushed the
> rules envelope well into the grey areas.  Many detailed 
> elements of the
> rulebook are a direct result of their "efforts".  And the 
> results show (look
> up Madamba and Livezey in the Nat'l champs listings under FS 
> and ESP).  
> --Andy

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