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Re: Solo participation too high?

Subject: Re: Solo participation too high?
From: "John Gross" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:06:56 PDT
>It would be fun to have more events but it would be very tough on the 
> >organizers and setup people. Who knows what would happen if events >were 

I do agree with this point, as I was a SOLO II Chairman while attending 
college at the same time.  It's hectic, and it's hard work, and it's all 
worth it to me.  My fellow club officers, volunteers and I busted our rears 
this last year trying to put on good events once a month.  Sometimes we only 
drew 40-50 cars, sometimes we drew nearly 100.  When we drew 40-50 cars, it 
was worth it because the end of the event meant that many more practice 
runs.  When we had nearly 100 cars, it was worth it because word of our 
events was getting out and people were showing up and having fun.  There's 
no doubt that it's hard on the organizers and volunteers, but they volunteer 
because they like the work.  If the schedule becomes hectic, you do what our 
club did this last year.  2 Autocross chairmen taking turns running the 
event.  When one was too busy, the other headed the event.  When both were 
available, split the responsibilities and make the load easier on each 
person (just make sure those responsibilities don't overlap  ;-)  We never 
had an event when neither one was available.  There's always a way around 
these types of problems.  In grassroots type racing like this, people know 
that the organizers need help or the events don't happen.  Getting people to 
step up and help usually (in my limited experience) hasn't been much of an 
issue, because they want to race, and if helping set up or tear down means 
they get to race, then they'll be there.

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