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Re: Solo participation too high?

Subject: Re: Solo participation too high?
From: Jeff Brown <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:11:44 -0700 (PDT)
Okay, here's an idea.  Suppose the SCCA gives
preference to competitors who competed in the event
the prior year, kind of like buying season tickets,
etc.  The SCCA would send out entry forms to them
first allowing them to re-enter this year, say a few
months in advance.  If they didn't respond (confirm)
within a month or so, then they would lose their
guaranteed spot.  Then after that deadline the
remaining open spots would be fair game for anyone
(even newbies like me).

This way, the "serious" auto-xers would have a
legitimate shot at running the event (again).  It
would also make the SCCA's life easier as they would
avoid the mad rush to register for the event 1-2 weeks
before.  And if you didn't send in your re-entry
confirmation to the SCCA and didn't get in (trying to
register later), you couldn't complain to anyone,
because you had the guaranteed opportunity to
previously and didn't.

Just my $.02


Jeff Brown
98 Type R #801

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