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Re: new to list

Subject: Re: new to list
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:07:59 -0400
Picture this... Heath McMillan's CRX with a SUPERCHARGER! That would be a
really tough combination to beat. One of the major premises of SM (the
way I've always seen it) is that there are many different cars that can
be competitive. Throw in a car that light with a lot of horsepower and it
will become the "car to have." Just my opinion, YMMV.

Scott Sawyer, HS 22
Team Underdog Racing, Underdog F&C

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:38:43 -0400 "Jeff Lloyd" <>
> It does sound like a really silly rule..
> "lets allow almost unlimited mods as long as you have somthing 
> resembling a
> rear seat, ummm I mean HAD a rear seat because you are allowed to 
> remove
> them, I mean except porsche cars, they might be faster then a well 
> prepaired
> eclipse, and they have a back seat, oh no not ANY porsches not even 
> the
> sedate 924's that's right they are MUCH sportier then a supra or 
> eclipse..
> Oh yea and we will allow RX7 2+2 but only if they don't upset the 
> class.."
> ummm ok.. Yuck Yuck, Now where is the turnup truck I just fell off 
> of?
> want to explain the logic behind that? please!
> I understand the rule just not why...
> PS. I love the rest of SM just not the silly exclusions..


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