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Police The issue

Subject: Police The issue
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 13:00:52 EDT
I have sat back and read all the mail on Quota's and the Police...  Just to 
set the record straight, a police department will never establish a quota and 
limit their officers to issuing a pre-set number of summonses.....
The reality to enforcement is to reduce the number of deaths and serious 
personal injury accidents... The average motorist doesn't realize that 
accidents do occur predominantely in specific areas, where the roadway allows 
the driver to operate at a higher speed, but just the same that area of 
roadway experiences a higher number of accidents... 
If you could spend 1 month as a highway patrol officer, and witness the 
suffering, pain and anguish that is caused by the horrendous accidents that 
occur, you would understand why officers become very pro-active..  Witness a 
young child being thrown from a vehicle and getting impaled on a guiderail 
because their parent was speeding and neglected to properly belt that child 
in and it would change your whole prespective on why motorists are stopped 
and often ticketed...
It is no joke to step outside your car on a major highway, to stop a motorist 
and risk your own life just to get issue a summons.. 
 Many police officers are killed every year by motorists who lose control of 
their vehicles and run a police officer over or run into a police cruiser...
Well anyway for the few who read this in its entirely, hopefully you will 
feel differently about the "JOB" that is being done..
Sgt.Bruce Bellom
18 yrs Hwy Patrol

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