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RE: Nationals (something I liked)

To: "'autox'" <>
Subject: RE: Nationals (something I liked)
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 17:41:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Linnhoff, Eric wrote:
> I'm not picking on any one person, but this sounds like the driver's
> problem, not Impound's.  It's not Impound's, or any one else's, fault that a
> particular car was built "insufficiently" for the task at hand purely due to
> the owner's desires.

Having run the scales a few times myself, I don't see how the logistics
would work to get someone off the course, unstrapped, scales adjusted,
weighed, back in, and off to their grid spot every 20 seconds without
causing a traffic jam.

I also think that its a distraction that we don't need as drivers.

Further, I don't see the win.  What do we care if impound happens
somewhere other than grid?  The reason we did it that way this year was
because there wasn't space to do it in the normal impound area.  We won't
have that limitation (presumably) in future years.  In addition, as a
competitor in a following heat, I'd like the previous heat competitors the
heck outta the way so that I can grid up.

Please don't fix something that isn't broken.  Cars being prone to
overheating or not has nothing to do with it and neither does how they


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