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steering wheels; setup

To: "autox" <>
Subject: steering wheels; setup
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 23:53:03 -0800
Recently I read here:
<Subject: Quicker steering desired
<My stock steering wheel has a diameter of 15", if I change to a 14" steering
<wheel, would the effect be one of faster response?

There's been one answer.  There is more than one way to look at it, here's
It depends on what you think of as "response".  Your wheels won't turn any
further before your arms cross as that's dependent on the angle of rotation of
the wheel, not diameter, and in fact your arms might bind up sooner or later
depending on where your muscles bulge vs. how you reach to the wheel.
A more important item is whether the new steering wheel blocks an important
view of the instruments.  Don't know if it is an item for you on the autocross
course, but it sure is the other 99.97% of the time. (assumes 3 minutes of
course time per week ;-)
Yet another - a smaller wheel installed on one car I had meant that I could
get in/out easier and turn the wheel past my legs without interference - that
was good.  But are you in a "stock" class?  That 1" difference is maximum
permitted, and only if you didn't have an integral airbag.
Finally, while your hands may move slightly fewer _inches_ with a smaller
wheel, say 6.5 percent, you're pushing more pounds per inch so that you're
doing exactly the same "work", higher effort.  Some may prefer a higher effort
as giving more of a total range of pounds between lightest and heaviest, which
may translate as better feel, others may prefer a lighter feel.  Your mileage
may vary.

p.s. other question - haven't had the setup / corner weighting done.  But
Roger Kraus Racing in Castro Valley has been there for years and advertises in
the Wheel and does that service.

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