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Re: Gasoline

To: "Olson, Scott" <>
Subject: Re: Gasoline
From: "S.G.Schiro" <>
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 13:39:04 -0600
That is a good question.  I don't know off-hand when AMC started
installing catalyic converters.  It would be good to know for sure the
year AMC engines were set-up to run on un-leaded.  I have heard that
early 70's engines work ok with un-leaded but it would be better to get
the facts on this.  If I were installing a catalytic converter today, I
get a modern hi-flow unit rather than install a replacement for the
original model.

Olson, Scott wrote:
> In 1975 AMC started using the catalytic converter?  Does this mean in '74
> that leaded gasoline was used.  And has anyone had the Engine rebuilt
> with the non-leaded valves and seats?

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