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BMH--what's their address?

To: uunet!!british-cars@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: BMH--what's their address?
From: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!bcstec!gsds%tahoma@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (K.C.Babb)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 09:47:22 PST
There's been a bit of discussion lately about BMH and getting your car's
"pedigree" for something around $20.  That's all swell, but could some-
body PLEASE provide the address and how-do-I-do-it info for these
people.  This is the first I've ever heard of them, and I'd be quite
interested to know the details on the Elan-from-hell (the engine AND
gearbox are out right now, hoping to get rid of that lovely smoke--
valve guides we presume--and an intermittent failure to allow the
use of 2nd gear).  All we know right now is that it came out of the
factory in November of 1967 (at least that's what Lotus told us).

Address, phone number (011-44-???-?????), and any other useful
info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks...


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