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help! have you seen my machinist?

To: alliant!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: help! have you seen my machinist?
From: sgi!tolsoft!craig@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Craig Harmer)
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 90 22:01 PST
this is mostly directed at those folks involved in SCCA racing
in the san francisco bay area.

i'm looking for a fellow named Mark Rohrman who used to run
Redline Engineering in santa clara, until about 6-9 months ago.
Mark has the engine for my bugeyed sprite, a 1275 with
EN 40B crankshaft, new omega pistons (73.5mm/1380 cc, 7cc dish, i think),
cooper-S rods, etc.

here's what happened:
mark seems to be as big a procrastinator as i am, and since
i had no immediate need for the engine (i still don't have a
car ready to put it into), and since he kept getting rush projects
from people wanting their engines done before the end of the
race season, etc. my engine work kept getting put off.

then it came time to move his shop (the landlord had raised
his rent by quite a bit) and he was buying a house and moving
into it as well.  i lost track of him then, but he called me
after a month or two to say that he'd injured his knees moving,
and was going to be laid up for quite awhile having some surgery
done.  he wanted to know if i wanted someone else to do the
engine work.

i procrastinated on the question, went to europe for six weeks
(vacation), and when i got back to the question, mark's new
phone number now gave me something like a modem tone (except
it wasn't a modem tone, because it wouldn't talk to my modem.

i'd really like to get hold of him, find out what's going on,
and have someone (perhaps mark) do the work on my engine.

i should point out that i've dealt with mark off and on over
the last five years, and have always found him to be an honest
and capable fellow.  i don't think he's stolen the engine or anything
(what would he do with it, anyway?), but that this is a case
of missed communications.

since he seemd to be active in racing circles, i though that
would be a good place to look.  so does anybody out there
know anything about his whereabouts?  yes, i've tried the 
obvious checking in the phone book.  i'm about ready to
go search property transfer records (if i can search them by name)
to see if i can acquire his address that way, but i thought
i'd try this first.

i'd particularly like those folk active in SCCA racing to
see if anyone they know, knows him.

thanks alot for any help you can provide!

(415) 626-6827 (h)                                      (408) 433-5588 x220 (w)
    [views expressed above shouldn't be taken as Tolerants' views, 
    or your views or my views.  they are views without a viewer.]

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