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Re: About that steering wheel...

To: Cory Carpenter <>,
Subject: Re: About that steering wheel...
From: (Mr. Spench)
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 90 15:32:38 PST
(coryc seeks a correct europa horn push)

I'm not sure which model Europa you have, but the editor of the golden gate
lotus club's newsletter, Kyoshi Hamai, had a S2 Europa he was parting out.
He might still have it.  I'm not sure if the S2 would have the same horn
button as the twin-cam.  Let me know if you need his number.  You might also
want to join the club while you're at it, if you aren't already a member.

steve valin             i've found something no-one else is looking for           i've found something that there's no use for
4153351379              and what's more, i'm keeping it to myself      - wire

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