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Re: RE>Re- The Midget Runs!!!!!

To: British Cars <british-cars@hoosier>
Subject: Re: RE>Re- The Midget Runs!!!!!
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: Tue, 12 May 1992 07:24:03 -0400
--- Forwarded mail from Jerry Kaidor 

        Reply to:   RE>Re: The Midget Runs!!!!!
  The Haynes Z-S carb manual has complete needle listings at the back.  Sounds
like you have an "emissions needle".  This is a needle virtually identical to a
normal one, except that it is just a tad thicker at the top part, which is used
at idle.   If you inspect the needle charts, you just might find a needle that
fixes your problem.  But you'll never be able to get the car smogged with it.

      - Jerry

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