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re: Vintage Triumph Register

Subject: re: Vintage Triumph Register
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 15 Jul 1993 10:52 EDT
>From!BOZEK Thu Jul 15 07:51:53 1993
>Good Morning Bill,
>After seeing your post about the 4 part TR7->8 conversion, I'd like
>to subscribe to your magazine. There will be another TR7 in the
>stable here soon.

Dave (and others), here's the VTR info.  I've responded directly to
several inquiries, but I guess it has been some time since I made
this available to the whole list.  Anyway, if you own (or are just
interested in) Triumph(s), I think you'll be quite pleased with
joining VTR and getting our quarterly magazine.

                    WHAT'S VTR

The Vintage Triumph Register is a national club
of over 4300 Triumph owners and enthusiasts.
(You do not have to own a Triumph to join.)
VTR is the only national club in North America
which covers and supports all models of Triumphs.
VTR regularly publishes a quarterly magazine,
"The Vintage Triumph."  

In addition to the magazine, membership in VTR also provides
free classified advertising in the magazine, access
to VTR's staff of vehicle consultants, a discount book
service, and various VTR regalia.

VTR also has an annual convention, hosted by one of its local
chapters.  In 1993 the national convention
will be in Seattle, WA.
Prior convention locations have been in:
Savannah, GA (1992); Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky (1991),
Boulder, CO (1990); Albany, NY (1989), Dallas, TX (1988); 
Atlanta, GA (1987); Pittsburg, PA (1986); Troy, Michigan;
St. Charles, IL; Indianapolis, IN, etc.

Membership dues for VTR is:
  $25 for all USA zipcode addresses
  $30 (US Dollars) for Canada and Mexico
  $35 (US Dollars) anywhere else

To join the VTR now, send name, address and dues to:
   VTR-E - New Membership
   15218 West Warren
   Dearborn, MI 48126

or, write to the above address for a free information brochure.

        Please include details about your car when sending in
        new membership info.

Standard Disclaimer- Any opinions, etc. are mine and NOT my employer's.
Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
Morristown, NJ             email via UUCP      bcr!cc!whs70
201-829-2879 Weekdays      email via Internet

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