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Subject: Garage
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 16:14:07 -0400 (EDT)
Dear list,

After a year and a half of apartment living, I have put a deposit on a
house.  The next task is to convince a bank that it should lend me money
despite my being in the process of becoming maritally disadvantaged, so to
speak.  Actuaries in NY decide that divorced men are bad risks.  I will
save the details of that particular gripe for alt.whine. 

I searched for a garage with a house attached, but in the end had to
settle for a house with just a single car garage.  Bummer :-(.  I did a
pretty good job of rationalizing that--the house needs so much work I
won't have time for another project for a while, and maybe in a year or
two the garage can be extended. 

Then, after having my offer accepted, I measured the garage--it is 26' 9"
long.  So I could put Kermit the bugeye at the front corner and have space
for a middle size car behind.  I am beginning to lust after an MGB, or
maybe an Alpine like the one I used to have, and either of those would fit
behind Kermie with nearly 3 feet to spare.  Kermie will be exceedingly
happy to have survived the division of assets, I think, and pleased to
have dry concrete beneath his wheels.

Oh, and the house has a good-sized dry basement down a short flight of
stairs from the garage.  That is so convenient that the basement can serve
as auxiliary workspace for the garage, and hold a lot of things that
usually take up space in the garage--like the compressor, the bead blast
cabinet I hope to get some day soon, a workbench, parts shelves, etc.  Oh,
and the lawnmower, and trimmer, and all that stuff.  In the end, I may
have about as much space as I had in a 20x20 two car garage, and a heck of
a lot better basement for woodworking. Hmmmmm...  :-)

And then, this house is cheap.  Relatively speaking, anyway.  Houses with
big garages cost many kilobucks more, so I wouldn't be able to afford
anything to go in the garage.  If I can live with the tacky old carpet for
a while, I might have enough in a few months to follow Scott's excellent
advice and buy a $5000 MGB or Alpine someone else has created by doing
$6000 worth of work to a $1500 MGB or Alpine. 

I'm feeling better and better.  And to think I will never again hear the
guy downstairs blowing his nose in the morning... that really disorients
me; I feel I am fogged in somewhere in a crummy apartment in Maine. 
Anyway, my cup runneth over.  It is only a modest ranch house, but it has
possibilities.  Please, bank, have mercy.  I won't get divorced again, I

   Ray Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
                Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
        (802) 656-8910

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