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Whitworth Screwthreads

To: "British Cars" <>
Subject: Whitworth Screwthreads
From: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 15 Jun 1994 16:01:16 -0600
                       Subject:                               Time:3:48 PM
  OFFICE MEMO          Whitworth Screwthreads                 Date:6/15/94
Since a couple of you asked, here is the text of an article I wrote for the
Classic Jaguar Association newsletter. What do you all think, is this worth
putting into the archives on triumph as a FAQ, or maybe it's more of an
INfrequently asked question.

    The Whitworth Screw Thread System            by Robert E. Reilly, P.E.

   Did you ever start to do some mechanical work on your Jaguar and discover
that none of your wrenches seem to quite fit on the bolt head? A friend of mine
recently bought a pre-war SS Jaguar, and he made that comment to me. I then
introduced him to the Whitworth wrench, of which he had never before heard.
These tools with the strange and incomprehensible markings were once common
enough that even Sears Roebuck and Snap-On carried them. Now they are getting
harder to find as people's memories of what they were all about fade into the
mists of outdated engineering. Many owners of earlier Jaguars are to varying
extents familiar with the Whitworth screwthread system, but some are not.
Perhaps some other readers will find a refresher course in the Whitworth system
helpful and interesting.
   Before the mid-nineteenth century, nuts and bolts were individually
hand-made, specifically matched and were generally not interchangeable. Serious
efforts to standardize screwthreads began in 1841, when Sir Joseph Whitworth
proposed a standard screwthread form based on a constant thread angle of 55
degrees. This became known as the Whitworth thread, and gained acceptance in
British industry. Outside diameters of bolts began at 1/8" and increased by
fractional inch increments, with a whole number of threads per inch specified
for each diameter.  The peak and root of the thread are rounded to a radius of
r=0.1373 x pitch. The depth of the thread is d=0.6403 x pitch. Pitch is the
number of inches per thread, or the inverse of threads per inch.
    About the same time, an American named William Sellers developed a
screwthread system based on a 60 degree thread angle, which was originally
called the Sellers thread, then the United States Standard or USS thread, and
finally in 1948 the Unified National Series, including UNC (coarse), UNF
(fine), and UNEF (extra-fine). The UNF series is sometimes called SAE (for
Society of Automotive Engineers) or ANF (for American National Fine). These
threads have flat peaks and roots, with the depth of the thread being
d=0.649519 x pitch.
   The Germans, Swiss and French each developed their own metric screwthread
forms. The metric world eventually agreed in 1898 on the Systeme Internationale
(SI) metric thread series, with a 60 degree thread angle, but the watchmakers
and optical measuring instrument makers each still have their own special
   The British Standard Whitworth (BSW), British Standard Fine (BSF), British
Standard Parallel Pipe (BSPP), and British Standard Tapered Pipe (BSTP) are all
thread series based on the Whitworth screwthread form.  British Association
(BA) screwthreads have a thread angle of 47-1/2 degrees and are based on the
Swiss Thury thread. Screwthreads in these series are found on all older British
vehicles. BSF is commonly used on engines and drive train components and body
fasteners, BA is used to attach small clips and electrical parts, BSPP is found
on the banjo bolts of water pumps and SU carbs and fuel pumps, but the Jaguar
parts catalogues call out ANF sizes for many large suspension fasteners.
   In 1965 the British Standards Institution approved a policy statement urging
British industry to regard BSW, BSF, and BA as obsolecent, to be gradually
replaced by International Standards Organization (ISO) metric thread.
   For some reason now lost in obscurity, the distance across the flats of
Whitworth hex nuts and bolt heads is not nice sensible fractions of an inch,
nor is it millimeters, nor does it follow any discernable pattern such as a
percentage of the bolt diameter. You are supposed to use special Whitworth
sized wrenches. The sizes stamped on Whitworth wrenches refer not to the
distance between the flats, but to the diameters of the nuts and bolts they are
intended to fit. In practice it turns out you can get away with using metric
wrenches in most cases.
   It is very important to realize that it is not safe to repair damaged
Whitworth threads with UNF taps and dies, or to mix and fit BSF and UNF
fasteners together. The pitch or number of threads per inch is the most obvious
difference, but more important and potentially disastrous is the reduction in
surface contact area between the threads, which can lead to binding when
torquing, loosening in vibration or complete failure under load. BSW and UNC
sizes in most cases have the same number of threads per inch, so it is very
possible to get these mixed as well. If you have a ruined fastener, especially
a stud or nut on the engine or in the suspension, it is worth the trouble to
get the right one rather than take a chance on something else getting ruined.
One source in the U.S. for British fasteners and tools is Metric &
Multistandard Components Corp. in Hawthorne, NY,  (Tel) 914/769-5020, with
branches in Burr Ridge, IL and Dallas, TX.

        Robert E. Reilly, P.E.

      Reference Bibleography

1. Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Handbook, 11th ed. (1936), Wiley
2. Machinery's Handbook, 14th ed. (1951) and 23rd ed. (1988), Industrial Press
3. Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 8th ed. (1978)
4. Standard Handbook of Fastening and Joining, (1989) McGraw-Hill
5. Tool Engineer's Handbook, 1st ed. (1949) McGraw-Hill
6. Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. sales catalogue, copyright 1977

Author's Note:
 After this article was published in the Classic Jaguar Association newsletter,
another member from the U.K. responded by letter and stated that the hex sizes
were originally governed by the commercially available steel hex bar stock
sizes, in the days before automated screw machines, when nuts and bolts were
cut from hex bar stock.

Table of British Screw Threads

British Thread        Nominal Size/      No. Threads     Hex Head Width
Designation           Outside Diameter      per Inch           Across Flats

  1/8 BSW                0.125"                   40
3/16 BSW                0.1875                  24
  1/4 BSW                0.25                      20             0.438 -
5/16 BSW               0.3125                   18             0.518 - 0.525
  3/8 BSW                0.375                    16             0.592 - 0.600
7/16 BSW               0.4375                  14              0.702 - 0.710
  1/2 BSW               0.5                         12              0.812 -
9/16 BSW              0.5625                    12              0.912 - 0.920
  5/8 BSW              0.625                      11              1.000 - 1.010
  3/4 BSW               0.75                       10              1.190 -
  7/8 BSW               0.875                      9               1.288 -
   1"   BSW              1.0"                         8               1.468 -

3/16 BSF               0.1875"                  32
7/32 BSF               0.2187                   28                  
  1/4 BSF                 0.25                      26              0.438 -
9/32 BSF                0.2812                  26                  
5/16 BSF                0.3125                  22              0.518 - 0.525
  3/8 BSF                0.375                    20               0.592 -
7/16 BSF                0.4375                  18              0.702 - 0.710
  1/2 BSF                 0.5                        16              0.812 -
9/16 BSF                0.5625                  16              0.912 - 0.920
  5/8 BSF                0.625                     14              1.000 -
  3/4 BSF                0.75                       12              1.190 -
  7/8 BSF                0.875                     11              1.288 -
   1"   BSF                1.0"                       10               1.468 -

  0 BA                 6.0 mm, 0.2362"      25.4
  1 BA                 5.3 mm, 0.2087"      28.2
  2 BA                 4.7 mm, 0.185"        31.4
  3 BA                 4.1 mm, 0.1614"      34.8
  4 BA                 3.6 mm, 0.1417"      38.5
  5 BA                 3.2 mm, 0.126"         43
  6 BA                 2.8 mm, 0.1102"      47.9
  7 BA                 2.5 mm, 0.0984"      52.9
  8 BA                 2.2 mm, 0.0866"      59.1
  9 BA                 1.9 mm, 0.0748"      65.1
10 BA                 1.7 mm, 0.0669"      72.6

1/16 BSPP            0.3041"                   28
1/8 BSPP              0.383"                      28
1/4 BSPP              0.518                        19
3/8 BSPP              0.656                        19
1/2 BSPP              0.825                        14
5/8 BSPP              0.902                       14                   
3/4 BSPP             1.041                        14
7/8 BSPP             1.189                        14                    
1"   BSPP              1.309                        11
End of file

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