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CDSE 150's (Help!, sneak P.O. attack on my carbs)

Subject: CDSE 150's (Help!, sneak P.O. attack on my carbs)
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 12:12:36 -0400
        I've been cleaning the dual cd 150's (cdse with fixed needle and jet)
on my Spit/GT6 project.  It seems all the things you aren't supposed to do
have been done to these carbs.  First off, the (bimetalic) temperature 
have been taken apart.  One is obviously put together wrong and the other
has a witness mark from a socket on the bimetalic strip.  The spring loaded 
throttle bypass valves (I forget what they are called) MAY have been adjusted.  
Finally, the set screws that hold the needles in place have been removed (the 
slot in the heads of the set screws are buggered up.) 

        My questions are:

         can I readjust the temp compensators using my freezer, boiling water, 
and voodoo spells?

        I remember someone (Roger or Bill?) talking about resetting the 
bypass.  The Haynes manual I have on the CD carbs gives the PSIA where they 
open (in mm of mercury vacuum).  Do I simply hook a vacuum source to them and 
the spring tension?

        Is it possible the change the factory preset needle postion?  Would the 
have been able to screw up the mixture adjustment by removing the setscrew and 
on the needle?  I couldn't make the needle move at all and there isn't any 
evidence of 
extreme force being used.  Perhaps the needle adjustment is idiot proof?!


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