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More on TC shakes

Subject: More on TC shakes
From: decvax!! (Dave Ahrendt)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 94 14:27:27 -0400

Thanks to all who responded to my posting regarding the
vibration noticed in my MG-TC after the engine rebuild.

I re-read my original posting and I think I may have
mislead you.  What I said was that when the vibration occurred that
it would go away if I press in on the clutch.  I left the
impression that the vibration was gone as long as I kept
the clutch engaged.  What I meant to say was that simply pressing
and releasing the clutch would make the car smooth out.
It's almost as if the clutch itself was out of balance and just 
engaging and disengaging the clutch disk would make the
problem go away.

It has been too hot here this week to go driving around starting
and stopping to see if the problem happens only in high or
also in lower gears. It's been too hot to drive it at all.

I'm trying to get at looking at some of the suggestions regarding
u-joints (new last year), front-end (no problem before engine
work), motor mounts (good idea here), etc.

Thanks again, Dave

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