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MG club in Southern California

Subject: MG club in Southern California
From: john peloquin <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 1994 13:59:54 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Netters,

I am a neophyte MG owner, in the process of turning my 1970 MGB-Gt into a 
daily driver. Today while on my way to the lab, I saw a beautiful parade 
of 7-8 MGs; at least 2 rubber bumper roadsters, a silver blue MGA, an 
MG-TD in brown, a beautiful blue MGC, a rubberbumper midget, and an 
amazing red Sedan MG. 
Being relatively new at this, I didn't have any idea as to what was the red 
sedan bringing up the rear on this convoy.

Any ideas?

Finally, all those MGs in beautiful shape must mean there is an MG club 
in the Riverside, CA area. I trust that they are looking for new members, 
and that 
they wouldn't mind an MGB-GT to complete what looked like a pretty good 
representation of MGs. If anyone knows an address or phone number for the 
club, would they please post it, or E-mail me?


John Peloquin
UCR Entomology

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