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Re: Repco V8 Formula 1 Cylinder Head

To: "Alistair Clinton - UK Racing Castings" <>
Subject: Re: Repco V8 Formula 1 Cylinder Head
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:42:32 -0700
Alistair Clinton asked:
>Anyone know where I could get a Repco V8 Formula 1 cylinder head, any
>condition broken etc doesnt matter.

>Anyone have engineering drawings for this ?

>Or any Repco parts any type ?

Dunno of sources for any actual hardware, but I have a 
friend in Australia who knows one of the people who 
helped with some of the actual development engineering, 
on the Repco engine.

Shall I ask my friend for the appropriate contact info?

Erik Berg
Los Angeles

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