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Re: Powder coating soft top frame

To: "Craig Odell" <>
Subject: Re: Powder coating soft top frame
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 10:56:00 -0500
If you have access to a lathe you can make replacement rivets that hold
the plastic washers in place.  Just drill out the old rivets and have 
each part of th eframe coated separately.  Then just replace the rivets
with the ones you make or have made.  Use Stainless steel if possible so
the new rivets don't rust.


- Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -

Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor, Future planner
CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA 
voice (512)471-9730, fax (512)471-8885,

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