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Re: 67.5 hazard switch revisited

Subject: Re: 67.5 hazard switch revisited
From: Gerardo Magana <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 17:51:48 -0700 (PDT)
Eric, I was asked very politely minf you by Mr.
Yoshihiro Izawa to see if I could get some if these
for him as his club members, the SP/SR club is looking
at retrofitting their 67.5 cars.  Now there have beena
couple people that were generous enough to offer to
send them as gifts, which is an individuals choice. 
Now then, your bluster to the list is not needed, or
solicited. I am not looking to take advantage of
anyone and also need to point out that the Japanese
club has always reciprocated when a "gift" item is
given to them, which is the reason in my original
email I asked for a business card with each free one. 
If I have to buy them so be it, but your negativity in
posting to the list is childish, my children act more
mature at times than you are right now in my opinion.
If you do not have one or won't sell one than thats
fine, just don'e start another list war like you are
famous for doing.

Thanks, Gerardo

--- wrote:

> Let me see if I got this right... you want people to
> sell or give you the ultra-rare, non-obtainium, ONLY
> for the 67.5 1600/2000, original "FF" knobs... so
> you can sell them to a Japanese roadster club?   I
> don't understand what purpose this will serve?  Why
> should I give or sell you my FF knob??
> Eric 

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