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Re: [Roadsters] GPS speedo calibration

To: Dave Cooke <>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] GPS speedo calibration
From: Tim <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 21:00:23 -0700
About seven or so years ago I was cruising down I94 from Minneapolis (leaving a 
trade show with another computer geek riding shotgun) to Madison on my way home 
from the trade show. My passenger had his laptop out and was running (his new 
toy) newly installed GPS software. I was driving (at the time)  a company owned 
late model GMC passenger van. My cruise control was set at around 75 mph. 
According to the GPS software running on the laptop, I was running 72/73 mph. 

I would call that fairly accurate. 


---- Dave Cooke <> wrote: 

So, how accurate is a GPS at displaying actual speed? I calibrated my
roadster speedo to my GPS & it showed I was consistently at least 5 mph
below at low speeds & 8-10mph below at highway speeds.

 Lake in the Hills, IL
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