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Re: How many are we?

To: Bill Sohl <>
Subject: Re: How many are we?
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 21:29:37 -0700
Actually, I don't think we do a very good job here in the US of
promoting our clubs to the masses.  THe UK is a pretty compact place
where it is easy for people to get from one side of the island to the
other for events.  Here in the US, we are so spread out that it takes a
major effort (not to mention expense) to get Triumph owners together for
meetings and events.

When I was n Washington, there seemed to be a much higher ratio of
Triumphs to people than down here in Arizona.  As a result, there isn't
even a  local Triumph club in The Tucson area.  The Triumph owners are
"forced" to either pay homage to the local British car club (formerly MG
club) or join the DCTRA which is too far away to easily attend meetings.

I think this is likely the problem that exists all over.  Numbers are
too often diluted by the vastness of the territory!

BTW, Yes, I am a member of VTR!

Joe Curry 

Bill Sohl wrote:
> wrote:
> > Pretty amazing! The difference between the memberships  in the US and UK.
> > Since the Sports Triumphs were (as I understand it) shipped at a rate of 90%
> > to the US.  But it isnt all sport TRs...
> I have also noted that the US has a generally lower
> percentage of TRUE enthusiasts.  Many people
> own sports cars BUT they are all too often NOT
> sports car enthusiasts.
> Cheers,
> Bill Sohl

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