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Re: Engine code

To: gardner5@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Engine code
From: "Alan Seigrist Blue 100" <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 14:12:29 +0800
Hi Joel -

The engine number on an A90/100 engine is located on the right hand
side of the block on the middle of the upper right hand side of the
top surface of the engine block.  It is basically on the part on top
of the short block that extends out from right under the cylinder
head.  It will be located on a little oval shaped aluminum plate
affixed to the block with two driven rivets.

Engine Numbers should start with something like 1B 13XXXX .

If you are unsure whether you have an A90 engine or 100 engine, the
easy way to tell is the starter motor mount on an A90 (on the engine
back plate) takes 3bolts, where the 100 takes only 2.  Other than that
the motors are essentially identical.

Best Regards,


'53 BN1
'53 A90
'64 BJ8

On 7/12/06, gardner5@comcast.net <gardner5@comcast.net> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me about the Engine Date Code that  I was told should be 
>located on the cast block of an A90 (100-4)?  Location?  Possible number 
> Joel
> BN2

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