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[Healeys] 100M cold air boxes and flow

Subject: [Healeys] 100M cold air boxes and flow
From: glemon at neb.rr.com (Greg Lemon)
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 23:33:14 -0600
References: <1326473785.37473.YahooMailNeo@web110809.mail.gq1.yahoo.com><CAFBXTkJ-2f6qSg=gUsJ-pASbzsojHFq8LJcsWz4njBEg7uxpZA@mail.gmail.com><886CDDBF-91C5-4D6C-9FA3-2E61114EC07E@gmail.com><4F18E1DD.4000404@comcast.net><4EB17B22-D3A7-4E14-830E-BB31969A12A9@gmail.com> <78DD7270-D889-4B6A-9827-67E97048852F@yahoo.com>
Greg, I am not a scientist or engineer, but have a rudimentary or slightly 
more understanding of how the carbs work, you are right more air flow should 
raise the piston.  Normally a higher piston means less cross section of the 
needle blocking the gas flow from the jet, so more gas more air more 
power....  However you said more vacuum, wouldn't the vacuum in fact be 
less, because it wouldn't be sucking from the engine, well it still would 
but it would be pushing air through as well, and maybe a push doesn't suck 
the gas up as well as regular manifold vacuum, therefore  (someone who knows 
more may confirm this??? or tell me I am koo koo) a lean condition results 
instead of more power, along with the possibility of holed pistons and such 
nastiness as has been mentioned as the result of rm air to an SU by other 

Greg Lemon 

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