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Re: Waving at Other MG's

To: Kosten Metreweli/RSG/US <>,
Subject: Re: Waving at Other MG's
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 08:42:44 -0400 (EDT)

>     This makes three MG's in a row that haven't waved back.  I remember 
>     getting honks and light flashes even in heavy traffic back in the 
>     early eighties.  Do you other drivers acknowledge each other on the 
>     road?
Friendliness can go too far. We do a lot of traveling in our TF , and nothing 
more annoying than honkers. The trucks scare the hell out of me but even those 
who are showing their appreciation are upsetting when they honk. A waive or 
thumbs up is the greatest, a horn is not.

Mike Leckstein

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