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RE: Damn Cats!

Subject: RE: Damn Cats!
From: "Mullins, Robert" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 2:16pm

Get a couple of traps.......

Bob Mullins

The neigborhood cats have taken a liking to my B  which is parked under my
open carport. Aside from sharpening their nails on my canvas top, scratching 

the windows and lining my top with dirt and fur, they "spray" the whole
carport area and car. What can I do to "teach" them to stay away? I've
thought about getting one of those pest repelling ultrasonic things and
pluging it into a motion detector. They were made for roaches, I think but
they warn that the thing can irritate cats and dogs. Haven't seen one in
years. Any ideas? Someone must have some solution...

Christopher Reichle

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