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Re: MGF Availability

Subject: Re: MGF Availability
From: (Phil Bates)
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 20:41:05 -0700
>Robert J Donahue/DELCO wrote:
>> There seems to be two types of people on this list:
>> Those who love the MG marque and like new cars. These
>> people are frustrated because they can't buy the MGF in the
>> states.
>> Those who love the MG marque and like old classic cars. These
>> people (like me) couldn't care less about the the MGF. If the
>> MGF does become available, the people of the first type can sell
>> their old MGs to the people of the second type and everybody
>> will be happy. Of course the people of the first type would spend
>> less time in the shop and more time on the road.
>This is actually pretty true, from what I've seen.  However, I may 
>be somewhere in between;  I personally think the MGF looks too much
>like a glorified Miata (DUCK!!), but I've seen pictures of a MGR V8
>that was produced in the early 90's, and that seemed interesting.  
>It seems that the categories would have to be split yet again:
>1)  Those who want an MGF or MGR and can afford to import one.
>2)  Those who want an MGF or MGR and can't afford to import one.  
>3)  Those who don't give a rip about post 1980 MG's.
>Since I don't currently own an MGR, you can guess which category I lie in.
>However, if and when this changes, you aren't getting my '72!
There are also those that don't give a rip about post '74 (or in extreme 
cases post'67) MGs.
Phil Bates
58 MGA
67 MGB
75 Jaguar XJ12C
52 MG TD replicar (VW)

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