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RE: Winterizing

To: Nick Pitt <>
Subject: RE: Winterizing
From: (len drake)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 1996 18:30:35 -0800
Hi Nick - surely you jest!  You have yet to experience a
Canadian winter.  Once the snow gets to be two feet deep
in Ottawa, the road maintenace folks have probably used a
million pounds of salt.  Anyone who values their LBC isn't
going to watch it rust away by driving in that slop.


Len Drake

>Sugest you join the MG owners club.
>contact        MG Owners Club 
>          Octagon House
>          Swavesey
>          Cambridge
>          CB4 5QZ
>          England
>     Their latest issue  (Nov. 96) of "Enjoying MG" has an article on 
>preparing for winter motoring. Why lay it up when you can drive it? There is 
>I am sure, a Canadian branch.
>               Nick ('73 B not yet drivable in any weather).
> ----------
>From: mgs-owner
>To: mgs
>Subject: Winterizing
>Date: 03 November 1996 04:43
>I used to know an excellent web resource that had a list
>of everything recommended before letting your LBC sit for
>the long winter.
>  That web site is now lost to me, or went out of commission.
>  Does anybody have a nice summary of a winter prep? Or
>know of a good website?
>  I remember the obvious like jackstands and oil the
>cylinders and remove the battery and check antifreeze
>and so on... but there were some little ones on that list
>that sounded like a good idea at the time but I have now
> --
> -----------------------------------------Ottawa-Canada-GOSENSGO------
>        Trevor Boicey          1992 Celica GT    1975 MG Midget
>             One parking spot left!

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