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Re: mg prices.

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: mg prices.
From: "Kosten Metreweli" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 11:58:49 -0000
Don't worry, even here in the UK, MGs are much more expensive than in the
States. I suppose they received the lion's share of the cars when they were
produced, so there are simply more around. Tax on cars is also pretty high
in the UK. In response to Bill, who mentioned he'd heard of people shipping
cars from the States to the UK - my car is is an ex-California '60 MGA -
and rust free (at least for the moment). Mind you, I've been told that
shipping a classic car from the States to the UK is an expensive business,
and at the end of the day, you can expect to pay an extra 50% of the value
of the car.



> From:
> To:
> Subject: mg prices.
> Date: 17 January 1997 02:59
> Hi all,
> I am a relatively new mg owner, my wife and I purchased our first, a '64
> only two months ago. Since that I have joined this group and find it
> interesting and informative.
> I am however, completely spun out by the price of mgb's as quoted in
> pages. You would be flat out getting 1/3 of an mgb in parts and rusty for
> the money that you all seem to be able to buy them at, well those
> anyway. We payed 8000 for ours which is an absolute rock bottom price...
> steal in fact. I wonder why these cars are so much cheaper up there than
> down here in Australia! Would be a very lucrative business proposition to
> import and sell here. Any way here's cheers from OZ,
> chappo, 
> '64b

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