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Re: A -Arm Bushings

Subject: Re: A -Arm Bushings
From: "Christopher M. Delling" <>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 14:29:48 -0400 wrote:
> I discovered the source of annoying squeak in my front end. It seems that the
> A arm bushings are about gone. Has anyone replaced them lately? I am
> considering:(a) poly urethane (b) steel/rubber (MGB/GT OEM replacements from
> VB) or (C) Nylatron. Anyone have a preference for any of the above? Can I
> replace the bushings on one side of the coil spring without removing the
> spring if I support the spring pan with a floor jack or wooden block? Would
> this be a good time to lower my suspension? What parts are likely to be
> seized and require a torch or brute force to remove? Please share your common
> experiences with me to aid in what looks like a major overhaul. Thanks - Rick


Not too bad a job if you do it right the first time.  I used standard
style bushings in my first attempt and they lasted less than 5000
miles!  You can replace just the A-arm bushes as you describe, I did it
this way the second time around.  If this is the first time, I would
recommend a full tear-down, at which time you can lower the suspension
if so desired.  A lot of other rubber bits are probablyu shot as well,
not to mention the likelihood of worn kingpins if this is the first
attention the car has recieved.  Not a bad job though - a complete
tear-down and rebuild using standard hand tools - no torch or air tools,
took me two days on a week-end, about 8 hours per side.  One side at a
time is easiest.


Chris Delling

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