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Re: '66 MGB Value?

To: Kai Radicke <>
Subject: Re: '66 MGB Value?
From: patrick bailey <>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 07:31:21 -0700
> ...but I have no qualms about gutting rubber
> bumper MGBs ;-)
> Them's fighten' words  parder!

I have  a 79 which I like very well thank you!I have stated before the problem 
with the rubber
bumpers other than weight is "they are black!!"I painted mine to match the car 
and all I get are
compliments.They actually did a good job of blending the lines to the old body 
given the technology
and times when it was done.Look at the later cars as "OLD FART"S CARS" They are 
higher...better to
get in by OFs....They have more comfortable seats....better for OF's butts.They 
don't go as
fast...better for OFs as they can't react as well as YFs.I admit when the 74 
1/2 came out I was
howling "What the F%& did they do to it? But after 20+ years it doesn't seem so 
bad IF you paint the
damn things.If anyone wants to see my car its at me
know what you think.....Pat (qualifies as an OF 52 years old)

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